In the healthcare field, collaboration between professionals is increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for addressing complex issues. When it comes to addressing jaw problems, the synergy between Chiropractic and Dentistry can offer patients a holistic approach to treatment.
Relationship between TMJ and body dysfunctions
In fact, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems can create and be created by dysfunctions in the cervical spine, shoulders, and many other areas of the body. Through a neurofunctional analysis, it is possible to identify the various aspects associated with jaw dysfunctions and offer patients an optimal solution to their problems. Chiropractic can help treat dysfunctions in the body that lead to jaw dysfunction (ascending dysfunctions), while the orthodontist will improve jaw functionality through the creation of a bite that will have an effect on the jaw and the rest of the body (descending dysfunctions).
A neurofunctional bite
The combination of Chiropractic and Orthodontics makes it possible to create a neurofunctional bite, which is made using a computerized system that calculates the optimal size and shape of the bite in conjunction with monitoring the effect of the bite on the patient’s neurofunctional responses, including the functionality and balance of the masticatory muscles with the help of an electromyographic study.
For the treatment of temporomandibular disorders, I collaborate with Dr. Alberto Calderoli, an expert in the dental field with extensive experience in managing these issues. The synergy between chiropractic care and Dr. Calderoli’s dental approach allows us to offer patients an integrated and effective solution to relieve symptoms and improve jaw functionality. For more details on Dr. Calderoli’s services, visit his website here.